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FMC – Strategic Forum (MFA)
Round Table – Conference Hall
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Rome, 8th-9th October 2009)



October 8

Participants Registration


Opening Remarks

FRANCO FRATTINIItalian Minister for Foreign Affairs

ELIZABETH DIBBLE Chargé d’Affaires, U. S. Embassy to Italy

GAETANO QUAGLIARIELLOHonorary President, Magna Carta Foundation

PIALUISA BIANCO Strategic Forum, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Speech of the Chief of Defense General Staff
“International Security. The Italian Armed Forces role in the areas of crisis”


October 9         

Welcome Coffee


President, Magna Carta Foundation


Session I

From Bush to Obama, continuity and change in U.S. foreign policy

Since undertaking the presidency, Barack Obama has announced important changes in U.S. foreign policy, such as a “new beginning” in relations with the Muslim world, the “reset button” with Russia, the “extended hand” diplomacy towards the Iranian regime, and a return to multilateralism as invoked by European allies. However, in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama seems not to have altered his predecessor’s course significantly. What has actually change in U.S. guidelines on foreign policy? To what extent can we consider the strategy of the new President a continuation of the Bush administration’s policies in their final phase?

Keynote Speakers
SPENCER P. BOYER U.S. Department of State
MAURIZIO MOLINARI Magna Carta Foundation

FRANCESCO VALLIPresident, Magna Carta Foundation

Coffee Break


Session II

NATO in the 21st century: the new Strategic Concept and the stabilization in Afghanistan

The dramatic changes in the global strategic environment following the terrorist attacks on 9/11, required NATO to revise its broad policy framework consistently with the new threats and complex challenges facing Euro-Atlantic security. For this reason, at the Summit in Strasbourg and Kehl celebrating NATO’s 60th anniversary, the Atlantic Alliance member States laid the core principles for a new NATO Strategic Concept, which will be adopted in 2010. Furthermore, in Strasbourg and Kehl, the Alliance strongly reaffirmed its commitment to bring peace and security to Afghanistan as NATO’s top priority. In the light of an increasing insurgent activity, what are the prospects for the ISAF mission and what is the future of Afghanistan? 

Keynote Speakers
IVO H. DAALDER U.S. Ambassador to NATO
Italian Ambassador to NATO  

MAURIZIO MOLINARI Magna Carta Foundation


Lunch Buffet


Session III

Global governance and the economic crisis: what is the role of Europe between the United States and China?

The reform of multilateral institutions and organizations remains a dominant topic in international debates. Leading experts and heads of states continue to demand the enlargement of the UN Security Council and the “G-8” in order to guarantee a more inclusive membership that reflects the growing influence of new developing powers, as evidenced by the “G-20”. However, a more exclusive relationship between the U.S. and China has emerged from the current financial crisis. To a certain extent, it has proved to be a more stabilizing and effective than multilateral entities, and is likely to grow stronger over time. Some analysts even foresee the creation of an exclusive U.S.-China “G-2”, which will force Europe to formulate and pursue its own strategy in order to preserve its international influence and avoid marginalization. 

Keynote Speakers
CHENG LI Brookings Institution
BENIAMINO QUINTIERI Commissioner General of Italy, Shanghai World Expo 2010



Session IV

Human Rights and the responsibilities of the West

Since the end of the second World War, the commitment of Western countries to freedom and democracy has given birth to the rules and the institutions at the core of the so called “Human rights regime”. Today, the economic crisis and uncertain geopolitical developments threaten to downsize the West’s overall international standing and ability to defend and assert the principles advocated by “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. This can only strengthen the rule of dictatorships and authoritarian regimes, as it appeared at the most recent, and alarming, UN Conferences Against Racism (Durban I and II). Since the concept Human Rights is a product of Western history and tradition, the West has a major responsibility to ensure its worldwide promotion.  

Keynote Speakers
DOUGLAS MURRAY Centre for Social Cohesion
FIAMMA NIRENSTEIN Magna Carta Foundation

MARCO VICENZINO Global Strategy Project


Concluding Remarks
Honorary President, Magna Carta Foundation